

5 Reasons You May Need to See A Physical Therapist

5 Reasons You May Need to See A Physical Therapist

August 10, 2021

When you think of physical therapy, do you think of athletes who need help recovering from a sports-related injury? If so, you’re one of many who falsely believe physical therapy can only benefit those who are active on a field! While physical therapy is used for both of these types of things, there are so many more conditions that physical therapy can treat. If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, you should consider making an appointment with a physical therapist. Please be sure to call Diamond Physical Therapy to find out how physical therapy can help if you’re experiencing pain, and let one of our skilled therapists take care of you once and for all!

1. Poor Posture

Poor posture not only changes your appearance, it can cause a variety of health problems or make those you already have worse. The following are several conditions that bad posture may cause or worsen over time. If you’re experiencing any of them, it’s important to get checked out by a physical therapist.

  • Circulation Problems – If you’re sitting slumped over in a chair for hours this may contribute to circulation problems throughout your body.
  • Shoulder & Back Pain – Shoulders that are continually slumped forward can lead to an increase in both shoulder and back pain.
  • Arthritis – Poor posture can cause an individual to put more stress on their hips, knees, and ankles. This can occur when walking, standing, or even sitting.
  • Fatigue – Standing or sitting in an incorrect position can make a difference regarding how easy you tire.

These are just a few problems that can occur if a person has poor posture. A physical therapist can work with you to improve your overall posture. This might include strengthening core muscles, working on breathing exercises, or setting up a different type of workspace.

2. Difficulty Recovering from Injuries

Have you recently sustained an injury? If you’re having difficulty recovering from even minor injuries, then it may be time to visit a physical therapist.

The following are several basic injuries many people experience that can heal faster with the help of a physical therapist.

  • Strains – A strain is a muscle or tendon that is torn or stretched too far. A physical therapist may prescribe specific exercises to help the muscle heal without causing scar tissue to build up. Ice or heat therapy might be used to reduce pain and swelling.
  • Shin Splints – Pain along the front part of the lower leg is often referred to as shin splints. Some people develop them from running on hard, flat surfaces for long amounts of time. Increasing or changing activity can cause pain in the muscles and tendons along this area of the leg. When working to improve shin splints, a physical therapist might use ice therapy. To prevent them from occurring in the future, physical therapy might include several types of exercises or new ways of performing athletics or daily activities.
  • Sprains – A sprain is a tearing or extreme stretching of a ligament. Physical therapy can help strengthen the joints and ligaments. A physical therapy program may also include electrical stimulation to promote healing.
  • Tennis or Golf Elbow – Tennis or golf elbow doesn’t just happen to individuals who play tennis or golf. Repetitive motions and overuse of certain areas of the body can lead to pain, tenderness, and inflammation. A physical therapist can teach you exercises and new ways of moving that may help heal and prevent tennis or golf elbow from reoccurring.

3. You’re experiencing chronic headaches

Headaches can range from mild migraines to extreme. Physical therapy might be able to help if you frequently deal with headache pain. You may deal with headaches, migraines, muscle-related headaches, or what are known as secondary headaches with general stress. A therapist may do an assessment to rule out the various types of headaches that you might have before drawing up a treatment plan.

To alleviate tension in the upper body, a physical therapist can use massage in the shoulders and neck region. It is also possible to use myofascial release and various forms of joint mobilizations. The number of headaches you suffer and the severity can also be reduced by exercises to improve posture. Physical therapy will help you find the relaxation you need, whether it’s daily stress headaches or migraines.

4. Stiffness and joint pain is hindering your quality of life

When you first wake up, you may experience joint pain and stiffness. You might also experience it after physical activity, or if you suffer from a chronic condition such as arthritis. There list of causes for stiffness and joint pain is endless, but thankfully physical therapy can help to reduce the pain in your joints and the rigidity that may restrict your mobility.

A physical therapist can use manual therapy that involves soft tissue mobilization to relieve pain and stiffness and improve your overall flexibility, A physical therapy program may also often involve various forms of therapeutic ultrasound. Ultrasound can boost overall circulation, which can improve joint strength and decrease discomfort and rigidity.

5. Your back constantly hurts

Unfortunately, back pain is something most of us will experience at some point in our lives. Sometimes back pain is caused by pulled muscles. Other times there are more serious issues involved. Back pain might be related to a bulging or even a ruptured disk. Abnormal curvature of the spine can cause pain throughout the back as well. Even minor car accidents and work-related incidents can lead to debilitating back pain.

A physical therapist can put together a treatment plan that addresses your individual needs and focus on the source of your back pain. They have several treatment options available to help reduce or even eliminate back pain.

A therapist may use more basic techniques such as massage. Your treatment may also include methods such as laser therapy. Laser therapy can decrease inflammation and promote healing at the cellular level.

Do you need the help of a physical therapist?

Is chronic pain holding you back? Contact Diamond Physical Therapy so an experienced physical therapist can help get you started today.

If you’re experiencing any of these five symptoms, you’ll want to consider starting a physical therapy program. A physical therapist is trained to use several specific methods and techniques to help improve your physical health and the overall quality of life.


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