5 Ways to Relieve Back and Neck Pain

5 Ways to Relieve Back and Neck Pain

February 10, 2019

There are three common causes of both back pain and neck pain. Changes in the spine’s anatomy over time can often cause back pain. They may be from a disc, arthritis, or something called your SI Joint… that frankly many providers over look.  The first is a Disc herniation or Bulging Disc.  That’s when the disc weakens and starts to expand, like a bubble in a worn tire and it irritates the nerve.   It typically causes a stabbing pain in the back of the legs and back pain.  The second, Osteoarthritis, is simply  wear and tear of the joints in your spine.  Friction can also cause irritated nerves from osteoarthritis.  The third cause comes about when the sacroiliac joint has too much or too little motion, it can cause lower back pain.

Muscle strain is a common cause of neck pain. It can be due to sleeping in awkward positions, whiplash or poor posture. Other common causes of neck pain include cervical osteoarthritis, cervical degenerative disc disease and cervical herniated disc. Back pain and neck pain can range from moderate to severe. If you’re experiencing back pain or neck pain, call our Algonquin office today to see how physical therapy can help you live a pain-free life. Get pain relief with help from our skilled physical therapists.

How Physical Therapy Can Deliver Pain Relief for Back Pain and Neck Pain

Physical therapy is a common treatment for pain relief in the cervical area and lumbar area. The goals and benefits of physical therapy for neck pain and back pain include:

  1. Improving neck and back range of motion- By engaging in flexibility exercises in the neck and back area, you’ll be able to move easier.
  2. Reducing pain and stiffness in the back and neck area- Passive treatments by a physical therapist will accelerate healing and lessen pain.
  3. Developing strengthening of the neck and back- With specific physical exercises, you’ll be building up the muscles in the neck and back areas.
  4. Developing strategies to prevent neck pain and back pain from recurring- Learn proper body mechanics to avoid future injury.
  5. Improving the quality of life- With physical therapy, you’ll be able to return to your regular routine must faster.

The two forms of physical therapy are passive treatments and active treatments. Passive treatments for neck pain include , ice, heat, manual therapy, dry needling and deep tissue laser therapy.   These treatments help reduce pain, inflammation and stiffness. Active physical therapy treatments include exercises and stretches. By engaging in active exercises with a physical therapist, strength and flexibility are improved in the neck, and the muscles become less painful. In addition, stress on the cervical spine is reduced.

Like physical therapy treatments for neck pain, back pain physical therapy treatments include both passive and active methods for the patient. “Current medical literature suggests moderate to strong evidence supporting the benefits of physical therapy’s role in reducing neck pain and back pain and improving range of motion.”

Back and neck pain can lead to a loss of productivity. It’s a common cause for disability. It can also lead to nerve damage, depression and even weight gain. If you’re suffering from back pain or neck pain, it’s time to take action. Get pain relief with the help of a physical therapist. A physical therapist will develop a personalized treatment plan just for you.

Why suffer when physical therapy can give you pain relief? Call Diamond Physical Therapy Rehab today to see how physical therapy can help you live a pain-free life.

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