
The Way You Walk and Lower Back Pain?
Did you know that the way you walk, can cause you lower back pain? Most people have something in their style of walking that can cause long-term wear and tear. For example, a foot turned-out, a weak abdomen or poor posture contributes to stress on their body. Physical...
Is your Rotator Cuff, The Source of your Shoulder Pain?
Have you ever felt a twinge in your shoulder when lifting something, or do you suffer from an aching shoulder at the end of the day? This could be a sign that your rotator cuff is weak and irritated. Various studies* show that 20% of people with shoulder pain after...
Humana Insurance Coverage and Physical Therapy
Preferred Provider of Humana for 23 years. Don’t let insurance problems keep you from getting help that you need. We have the insurance aspect of your care expertly handled. Don’t let financial pain get in the way of solving your physical pain. Pay a lot for your...
Diamond Physical Therapy Preferred Provider of BCBS for 23 years. Don’t let insurance problems keep you from getting help that you need. We have the insurance aspect of your care expertly handled. Don’t let financial pain get in the way of solving your physical pain....
Are Your Shoulders Giving You Headaches?
Do you know that 47% of the adult population will have a headache at least once within a year according to the World Health Organization? 45 million Americans complain of headaches each year, 8 million visit their doctor, and 3 million went to the emergency room...
Tips for Relieving Sciatica Pain
Do you have back pain or sciatica? In a study reported in the journal Orthopedics, 650 people were examined for low back pain or sciatica. About 25% had reported an episode of sciatica in the past 6 months of the study. This shows how common sciatica really is....
Tips for Relieving Neck Pain
Do you find yourself with a nagging neck or headache, especially after a long day or stressful event? The American Academy of Pain Medicine reports that neck pain and severe headaches or migraines make up about 30% of all commonly reported pain conditions. There are...
Herniated Discs | 7 Tips for Relieving Pain
Do you experience achy or sharp radiating pain to your shoulder, arm, buttock or leg? This may be an indicator of a bulging or herniated disc in the neck or back. Between each of the vertebrae that make up your spine are small cushions called discs. Herniated Discs |...
Tips for Avoiding Lower Back Pain
Is lower back pain interfering with your life? You are not alone! Nearly four out of five people experience back pain at some point in their lifetime. Lower Back Pain takes various forms, from a persistent dull ache to sudden sharp pain, and has many causes. Sometimes...
Lower Back Pain or Sciatica That Just Won’t Go Away?
Lower back pain and sciatica is the biggest problem that we treat here at Diamond Physical Therapy. Have lower back pain and sciatica and your treatment isn’t helping? Physical therapy, chiropractic, massage therapy, or using medications or even injections are not...