
Kick The Pain Meds To The Curb: How Physical Therapy Can Provide Relief
You might wake up in the middle of the night or struggle to fall asleep because of pain. If you’re like many of the 50 million Americans dealing with chronic pain, you may even struggle with something as simple as getting dressed. Having to deal with chronic pain can...
5 Ways to Combat Chronic Back Pain
Few problems can render a person’s ability to move and fulfill basic needs inept like chronic back pain. Back pain can often become more than you can manage on your own. It can create several challenges for families, friends, and health providers. While many...
3 Benefits of Staying Active as You Age
You aren’t alone; age-related debility and chronic health conditions are common in our nation. Many of these concerns are the result of falls, which, According to the NCOA, “cause more than 2.8 million injuries treated in emergency departments annually.” But while...
Got An Upcoming Surgery? Physical Therapy Can Help You Before & After!
Meeting with a physical therapist for the first time shouldn’t wait until after your surgical date! Pre-operative PT is demonstrated to be just as valuable as postoperative physical therapy. If you are facing a surgical procedure, it may be a good idea to consult with...
7 Ways A Physical Therapist Can Help Relieve Your Hip and Knee Pain
Did you know that millions of Americans go through their day dealing with a chronically sore hip or knee? According to 2006, National Health Interview Survey prepared by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, knee and hip pain was reported by almost a...
4 Ways A Proper Diet Can Relieve Your Aches & Pains
According to the World Health Organization, 60% of factors related to your health and quality of life are directly related to your lifestyle choices. One of the most important lifestyle choices you can make is choosing to buy and eat healthier foods! Do you have...
5 Ways to Deal With Herniated Disc Pain
Have you ever had a herniated disc? If so, you know the pain can be quite unbearable. A herniated disc happens when the outer fibrous layer of a spinal disc (usually in the neck or lower back) tears. This allows the disc’s gel-like filling to leak out into the...
You Can Use Nutrition As A Weapon Against Inflammation & Pain!
When people claim they want to change their diet, they are often motivated by weight loss, allergy avoidance, muscle gain, skin improvement, or athletic performance enhancement. “I want to improve my diet to alleviate my chronic pain” is something we don’t hear quite...
5 Ways to Stay Active at Your Sedentary Desk Job
Finding ways to be more active during your workday could help you to add significantly more activity to your day, thereby helping you to live a more active lifestyle. Searching for even 30 – 60 minutes of time to fit physical activity and exercise into your daily...
It’s Time To End Your Battle With Chronic Joint Pain
If you have chronic joint pain, don’t ignore it or assume it will go away on its own. Give our office a call and set up an appointment with one of our certified physical therapists. What is chronic joint pain? Chronic joint pain refers to “discomfort, aches, and...