
Is Stretching a Real Form of Exercise?
You probably already know there are a ton of different factors that contribute to maintaining your health. Getting a full night’s rest, staying hydrated during the day, and eating well-balanced meals are the most commonly shared tips when it comes to living a healthy...
How Can Physical Therapy Give You Relief From Hip and Knee Pain?
Do you find yourself saying “no” to certain activities because of your hip or knee pain? Physical therapy may be a great option for you, whether your pain is experienced when you’re sitting or moving. We want to help you get back to your regular routine, so be sure to...
Nutrition Tips To Decrease Pain and Inflammation
Nutrition plays a crucial role in preventing and eliminating pain and inflammation in the body. It’s important to understand what pain and inflammation are, the causes and symptoms, and how both nutrition and physical therapy can help. If you’re experiencing pain and...
Get Your Hip and Knee Joints Moving Again with These 5 At-Home Exercises
Are your hips and knees feeling stiff, achy, or even painful? Noticing more discomfort in your joints when standing up and moving around? If so, you’re not alone. This quarantine has taken a toll on many people’s bodies, as it has become much more difficult to...
Get Back to Comfort with These Back Exercises – All of Which You Can Do at Home!
Are you feeling back pain after being quarantined to your home? You may be wondering, “Why is this? I’ve barely left the couch!” Well, therein lies the issue. The sedentary lifestyle that I’m sure many people have experienced since being quarantined to their homes can...
Tired of Medications? Find Relief with Physical Therapy
A natural alternative to medication: For many people, even the thought of exercising can make them cringe due to the pain they are feeling. However, physical therapy exercises are one of the absolute best treatments for chronic pain. By participating in a physical...
Physical Therapy Can Reduce Your Joint Pain and Improve Your Mobility.
It’s true that as we all age, our joints very plainly are not what they used to be. Joint pain can occur for several reasons, such as a previous injury that has limited your motion or the general “wear and tear” of osteoarthritis that typically comes with age....
Physical Therapy: Treating Arthritis the Safe and Easy Way
Anyone living with arthritis knows how debilitating it can be. Several people dealing with arthritic aches and pains end up resorting to steroid injections, anti-rheumatic drugs, or even joint replacement surgery, in order to manage their pain. However, physical...
Stay Active By Incorporating These 5 Easy Steps into Your Lifestyle
With your busy life, it can be difficult to find time for physical activity. We all understand too well the lengthy to-do list that never seems to get completed. After a full day of work, running errands, making dinner, and still trying to find time to relax, it can...
Get Moving Once Again with Physical Therapy
If you’ve been living with acute or chronic pain, physical therapy can help. Whatever your injury or underlying condition may be, our licensed physical therapists understand how pain can significantly impact your daily life. Physical therapists are movement experts...