Do you experience achy or sharp radiating pain to your shoulder, arm, buttock or leg? This may be an indicator of a bulging or herniated disc in the neck or back. Between each of the vertebrae that make up your spine are small cushions called discs. Herniated Discs |...
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Tips for Avoiding Lower Back Pain
Is lower back pain interfering with your life? You are not alone! Nearly four out of five people experience back pain at some point in their lifetime. Lower Back Pain takes various forms, from a persistent dull ache to sudden sharp pain, and has many causes. Sometimes...
Lower Back Pain or Sciatica That Just Won’t Go Away?
Lower back pain and sciatica is the biggest problem that we treat here at Diamond Physical Therapy. Have lower back pain and sciatica and your treatment isn’t helping? Physical therapy, chiropractic, massage therapy, or using medications or even injections are not...
Sports Injuries: Preventing and Treating
Exercise is an important part of life in order to become or stay healthy. For many of us here in Algonquin, sports are a fun way of burning extra calories, socializing and getting fit. Unfortunately, this also means the occasional sports injury, or a flare-up of an...
Six Easy Steps to Less Pain and More Energy
Do you sometimes feel sluggish, tired, achy, sore, or have low energy? Those could be signs that a daily routine of sitting for long hours in your car, at your desk, or at home watching TV is starting to wear your body down. Your body is meant to move, so the...
How to Be Healthier, Stronger and More Active
When you get right down to it, health doesn’t have anything to do with looking like a supermodel; it’s really about having a body whose every system is in good working order. The great news is that you have more control over everything happening in your body — from...
5 Ways to Relieve Neck Pain and Back Pain
Back and neck pain can stop you in your tracks, affecting your work and interfering with your recreational activities. It takes the fun right out of your day. How to Reduce Neck and Back Pain Your pain might be from a previous injury, arthritis, bad posture or another...
How Your Core Muscle Strength Affects Your Health
Do you ever find yourself slouching in a chair, slumping at the computer or your belly sticking out after standing for a while? This is a sign of core muscle weakness that can negatively affect your health and create long-term back or neck pain. What are Your Core...
Suffering with lower back pain? It could be your thighs…
Are you suffering with lower back pain? If you are, you are among the majority. That’s right, around 80% of people deal with lower back pain at some point in their life. If you are one of them, you know the inconvenience and frustration that is caused by frequent...
What are the Signs of a Torn or Strained Rotator Cuff?
A strained or torn rotator cuff can cause a dull ache deep in the shoulder and make it difficult to lift your arm or feels very weak. Is it painful when sleeping, especially if you lie on the affected shoulder? Difficult to comb your hair or reach behind your back? ...