For many people, knee pain can be a way of life, limiting their ability to climb stairs, squat down to get something off the floor, enjoy long walks, shopping and a host of other daily activities. The knee joint is one of the most complicated joints in the body and...
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Back or Neck Pain? What Different Types of Pain Mean
When you have an ache or pain it can leave you scratching your head as to where the pain is truly coming from. Just because it hurts in that part of your leg or arm, doesn’t mean that is where the problem is coming from. Is it a bulging disc, muscle strain or did you...
Is Deep Tissue Laser Therapy for Me?
What is therapeutic laser therapy? Laser therapy is the application of laser light over injuries or painful areas to improve soft tissue healing which gives relief to recent injuries or chronic pain conditions. How does laser therapy work? The energy from laser...
3 Ways to Beat Achy Shoulders
Do you find your shoulders aching at the end of the day or when having to lift your arms? Whether your shoulder pain is from an old injury or just from moving all day long, try these simple techniques to feel better and stronger. Why Your Shoulders Hurt Your shoulders...
Are Your Feet Killing Your Back?
For many people, simply standing or walking for more than 20 minutes, means an aching back. This can be due to a whole host of factors, but believe it or not, your feet and ankles can be a culprit. When you walk the hips, knees, ankles and feet rotate in opposite...
Is Your Balance Setting You Up For An Injury?
It’s what gives us the ability to walk on two legs and stays with us our entire life, balance. Our balance and vestibular system develop as we grow from a baby all the way through adulthood, and then begin to decline. Most people don’t know their balance is not...
Tips For Relieving Knee Pain
Are you one of the millions of Americans suffering from aching or painful knees? You are not alone. According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) 1 in 2 people may develop painful knee osteoarthritis by age 85. In addition, if you struggle with...
5 Ways to Avoid Joint Pain
Do you find your joints aching for no apparent reason? Even small aches and pains are your body’s way of telling you something is not working and should not be ignored. According to a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) study, 30% of the people surveyed reported some...
Are Your Hips Killing Your Back?
Are you like many people, with an aching back at the end of the day or worried about lifting an object due to your back going out? You are not alone, over 80% of the population will suffer back pain at one time or another in their life according to CDC data. It is the...
Top 8 Tips to Ensure Success Following Knee Surgery
Chuck’s Top 8 Tips to Ensure Success Following Knee Surgery If you have reached the point where there’s no other solution than surgery these top 8 tips will help to ensure success following knee surgery. Get all your questions answered beforehand. Any surgery...